I am from Austria! And this is THE taste of my home. My wonderful handywoman mother even started a little business when we moved to the USA in the 80ies selling Apple strudel to local restaurants. Well with two toddlers and a household to manage a rather great challenge. Whatever my mother touches turns to gold, so the business took off and everybody was craving real Austrian Apple strudel. Therefore our house was always filled with the smell of cinnamon and baking apples. Thank you Mom for such a wonderful childhood!
This is the no fuss version (to make the dough is a whole other story!!)
For the filling:
6 apples (more on the sour side like Prinz Rudolf or Fuji
6 Tbsp sugar
1 Tsp cinnamon
½ cup raisins
4 cl dark rum
Juice from ½ lemon
For the
1 Pack frozen Strudelteig (or frozen Fillo dough), completely thawed
½ cup real unsalted butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
1 cup bread crumbs
Confectioner’s sugar
Preheat oven to 180 °C. For the filling peel apples, quarter, cut out cores and slice into 1-2 mm thick slices. Mix all ingredients for the filling and set aside (it is best if it sits for about 1 hour. A lot of juice will form. The taste of the filling should be mildly sweet, not too bitter from cinnamon and you should be able to taste the apples. Please resist the urge to put in tons of more sugar.
Meanwhile to easily roll the strudel spread out a clean table cloth or a surface of paper towels. Carefully take Strudelteig/Fillo layers apart and place 5 sheet-layers overlapping on the paper towels forming an about 60 cm x 60 cm surface. Then top with an inverted layer. God, this sounds so much more complicated than it is..well, it is all about making a non-leaky surface…you will figure it out…lol.
Brush the whole surface with a lot of butter. Heap bread crumbs on the side facing you about 40 cm long. Now mix the apple filling one more time and spread it on the whole surface leaving 10 cm on left and right side. Using the paper towels as support fold over left and right side to the middle. Now using the paper towels as support roll the strudel to get a 40 cm long and about 20 cm wide strudel. With the open side down place on a baking-paper lined baking sheet. Brush with lots of butter and a little bit of egg on top.
Bake for 40 minutes or until brown and crisp. Let cool and sprinkle with lots of confectioner’s sugar.
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