Baby gourmet: Bananenreis (Essen bei Magen-Darm-Grippe/Durchfall)


Es ist also wieder einer dieser Tage an denen mein Baby eine Magen-Darm-Grippe (Durchfall) hat, trotzdem hunger hat, aber nicht alles essen darf/sollte/mag. Was nun?
Mein Kleiner hat diesen Bananenreis geliiiiiebt!
Er ist winderbar stopfend wegen der Banane und dem Wasserziehenden Reis.
Uuuuuund….sogar mein Freund hat den ganzen Rest verputzt weil es so gut schmeckt…

1 Banane, mit der Gabel zermatscht
1/4 Tasse Reis
3/4 Tasse Wasser

Reis mit Wasser ansetzen und so lange unter Rühren kochen bis der Reis schön matschig und das Wasser verdampft ist. Mit der zermatschten Banane verrühren und auf Esstemperatur bringen….fertig.

How to treat sore nipples during breast feeding

Well, since very few people practice hard core nipple twister games before they have a baby I assume a lot of ladies also suffer from sore nipples when they start to breast feed…just simply because you are not used to somebody pulling and twisting your nipple for several hours a day.
My tip is organic LANOLIN and lots of air. After every breast feeding session apply Lanolin only to the nipple (not to the surrounding areola). If you already have sore nipples you will basically go through a painfull wend until it heals, but don’t give up! It will get better in up to 1 week and it is soooo worth it!

P.s. this is also a tip for men running marathon and forgot to tape their nipples.

Increase/decrease breast milk supply

Speaking of breast milk supply: some have too much (wow, that can hurt) and some have too little (which is very frustrating!). Everybody who has a baby and decides to breast feed will cross this concern. Here are my natural remedie tips for both cases, which I have all tried and really work:


– 4 cups of anis tea or fenel-caraway-anis tea (1 tsp anis seeds or fenel/caraway/anis seed mixture (1:1:1) per cup of boiling water and let sit in a covered cup for at least 5 minutes)
Be careful this does really work and when it kicks in you could end up with huge breasts with enough milk to feed a dozen babies.

– alcohol free wheat beer or malt beer


– 3 cups sage tea (1 tsp dried sage leaves per cup and let sit in a covered cup for at least 5 minutes)


Rub out just as much milk from your breast that your breast stops hurting insanely. Best do this under the shower with smooth striking movements twards your nipple while holding your breast with the other hand. Don’t overdo or this will stimulate more milk production. Cover breast with cool packs wrapped in a linnen for at least 10 minutes.

Baby belly massage oil


When your baby has a bellyache this easy to make ointment is a little miracle…just rub a bit clockwise on your little ones belly.

1 Tblsp fennel seeds
1 Tblsp caraway seeds
1 Tblsp anise seeds
200 ml almond oil

Mix together in a twist-off glass and let sit for 3 weeks on a bright but not sunny place. Shake once a day. Sieve trough a fine sieve and store belly oil in a dark glass bottle. Rub that little bloathed belly clockwise with this oil.

Baby napy rash ointment


This wonderful rash ointment will protect that sensitive (baby) skin and heal minor skin damages also on your adult skin…there are so many uses for this ointment.

1 twist off glass (about 500 ml)
each 15 g dried calendula, lavender and camomile flowers
150 ml almond oil
Sunflower oil to fill up (about 300 ml)

Fill everything into the twist off glass and fill up with sunflower oil until the flowers are completely covered. Let sit on a sunny place but not in direct sunlight for 3-4 weeks and shake once a day. This ointment can be used directly on napy rash baby skin, scares or small skin damages or in bath water.

NICI’S WARMING CHEST BALM (for children and adults over 3 years)

Chest balm


Cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze…. It’s this tie of year again, oh jeeze!

And if you caught this cough and sneeze and even start to strongly wheeze, I must recommend this herbal balm which will ease your ailments and make you calm.

NICI’S WARMING CHEST BALM (for children and adults over 3 years)

(makes about 100 ml)

4 Tbsp almond oil

1 Tbsp bees wax

1 Tbsp shea butter

1 Tbsp cocoa butter

30 drops eucalyptus (100% essential oil)

10 drops rosemary (100% essential oil)

10 drops thyme (100% essential oil)

10 drops tea tree (100% essential oil)


In a large jar glass mix everything except the essential oils. Place into a Pot with boiling water and wait until everything has melted. Take the glass out of the water bath and let cool for 5 minutes. Now stir in essential oils, stir and rather quickly fill into designated containers. Let cool and close with a lid.

In case of a cold with stuffed sinuses, cough or congested nose rub a teaspoon large amount on your chest and a little under your nose before sleeping. It will help you sleep and sleep is the best medicine…as my mother always says!

P.s.: I wouldn’t use this for babies because they can react sensitive to high doses of essential oils. I will try to find a recipe for the little ones as well. So, stay tuned!



Is there a rumble in your tummy?

Feeling bloated, did you eat something too heavy, or are you having gases? There is no necessity to go for stuff like “Gas X”. Have this simple mixture at home and your tummy (and that of your baby) will feel relieved within 1 hour.


Mix equal parts:

Fennel seeds (Fenchel)

Caraway seeds (Kümmel)

Anise seeds

Mix to equal parts. Prepare a tee of 2 Tsp of this mixture with 1 cup (250 ml) boiling water. Cover and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve and drink warm.


calendula creme


Does your skin react sensitive to any kind of facial cream? This might be your relief…A completely preservative-free, silicon-free, scent-free simple facial cream that will help your skin heal itself and at the same time moisturizes your dry skin. (This is for a very special new friend of mine!)


30 mg calendula-olive oil (make it yourself: see my “calendula oil” recipe at

10 mg bees wax

10 g Tegomuls (the emulator to combine water and oil phase. Sorry, you can’t leave this out)

100 ml distilled water

Put water in one heat proof vessel (water phase) and bees wax, tegomuls and calendula oil in a second one (oily phase). Place both vessels in a water filled pot and heat until the bees wax in the oily phase has molten and is translucent. Take out of the water bath and fill water under a constant stream, constantly stirring into the oily phase. Place cream into a cold waterbath and stir, stir, stir….stir until the cream has become hand-warm. The cream goes through different phases. First it becomes stiff like a pudding, then more liquid and with more stirring the cream becomes creamy. Stir until the cream is completely cooled to room temperature. This process takes about 5 minutes. Now add the essential oils and keep mixing. Now you can scoop the cream into clean containers and close them with a lid. At room temperature the cream can go bad in a few weeks because it does not contain preservatives. If you keep the cream cool it stays good for a very long time.




It’s runny nose season! Most people I know have a congested or runny nose or a bacterial infection in their sinuses. Is there green/yellow yucky stuff coming from your nose…


1 hand full dried chamomile flowers (or about 10 tea bags)

1 L cooking water

In a large bowl pour water over chamomile. Cover with a large towel and put your head under the towel over the bowl. Inhale deeply through your nose for about 10-20 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times.

Chamomile is antibacterial and will help fight of the infection. After the inhalation your nose could start to run like crazy, this is the process of the body to secrete all the bad bacteria. This way the infection will be over in no time.